Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Top 10 Job Search Rules to BREAK!

From Liz Ryan, CEO and Founder of Human Workplace
  1. Follow the defined process – in other words, don’t simply email your resume to 100 job postings. Actually reach out to hiring managers personally – it could make all the difference!
  2.  If you know someone in the company, give that person your resume and tell them to give it to the hiring manager. Don’t be afraid to use your friends or other contacts to help get ahead – just make sure that they are your best option for applying.
  3. Use a traditional zombie-style resume and cover letter. You are unique and creative – let your resume show it! Hiring managers see the same cut-and-paste style resume 100 times a day; it’s time to make yours stand out!
  4. In your overture to employers, emphasize the way your background matches the job specifications. I am sure we have all been in jobs where our actual daily routine is nothing like the bulleted job description we applied for. Instead, try to pay more attention to what the company is really looking for, and tell them how you can fill that need!
  5. Spend most of your energy applying for posted jobs, and do so online. Liz Ryan suggests splitting your efforts into thirds: spend one-third of your time applying to jobs posted online, one-third targeting your ideal companies – even if there are no positions posted online, and the final third should be spent networking with real, live people!
  6. Use your networking time and energy letting people know about your job search, your specific skills and how each friend can help you. Basically, you shouldn’t have to convince your friends to help you out, or befriend people just because they have an “in” somewhere that you think you would like to work. Be yourself, and let them realize on their own that you are perfect for the job!
  7. If you're asked to report your salary history, share every detail going back as far as the employer asks you to. There is no need to verify every salary you have ever had, some things are okay to keep to yourself! If the employer trusts you – they won’t need you to verify this kind of information.
  8. When an employer asks you to jump, do it. Basically, there is no need to be a doormat for a new employer. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or clarify what is asked of you.
  9. Don’t bring up the topic of salary – let the employer do it first. This is a common rule that many job seekers believe to be true. The truth is, you have to let the employer know what it is going to take to get you on board! There is nothing worse than getting your hopes up about a great job, only to be completely disappointed by the final offer.
  10. Do whatever you need to do and say whatever you need to say to get the job. When you swap your integrity for money, you are done. 

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